My Dad gave me some old film that has been in his fridge for the last 45 years including this roll of Kodak Verichrome.
Verichrome is a ISO 125 film, but given its age I decided to rate it at ISO 25.
Dad tells me it was designed for simple box cameras such as the Brownie. It's physically thicker than other films and has a wide exposure latitude.
I thought my Agfa Isolette II would be suitable to shoot this film with. Isolettes are a 6x6 medium format folding camera. They're very compact cameras and completely manual with no rangefinder. They can be had for very little money. This one cost me $30 about 10 years ago. The ones with a Solinar lens are quite sought after and expensive, however.
I developed the roll in Kodak XTOL using times from the Massive Dev Chart. Unsurprisingly the results look somewhat antique. The photo of the clouds shows up blotchiness in the film. There's also some streaking in a couple of frames. I'm not sure if that's light leak in the camera or possibly a defect in the film that developed over time.
Rating the film at ISO25 seems to have worked well.
I've got another roll or two of Verichrome and I'm looking forward seeing if I can get some more worthy photos for film that's been waiting to be used for over 44 years.
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